Our digital agriculture technology increases harvests and reduces costs.
According to a particular set of rules, a sensor can sense information and convert it into an electrical signal or other forms of output for information transmission, processing, storing, displaying, recording, and controlling. Increasingly more industries such as agriculture are using sensors as a result of the Internet of Things technology. Modern agriculture uses sensors to collect data on all aspects of crop growth, such as nursery, growth, harvest, and resource consumption. Sensors such as air temperature and humidity, soil moisture, soil pH, and light intensity are often used.
The agricultural planting environment can be monitored by the air temperature and humidity sensor. Default temperature and humidity monitoring ranges are -40°C*+80°C and 0%RH*100%RH respectively, which are different for every crop. They are available for wall mounting in greenhouses and outdoor farms.
Crops' water supply is determined by soil moisture. The normal growth of crops above ground will be affected by soil moisture levels that are either too high or too low. A balanced root water absorption and leaf transpiration can only occur with adequate soil moisture. By measuring the dielectric constant of the soil, the soil moisture sensor determines the percentage of soil moisture in volume.
The intensity of the light influences how plants manufacture food, stem length, leaf color, and flowering. Growing crops in greenhouses using light sensor technology can help growers to better grasp the sunshine time law, light saturation point, and light compensation point of plant growth, and then adjust their light preferences by manually controlling the light levels to achieve high yields.
Agricultural researchers study soil pH because it regulates nutrient availability in plants by controlling the chemical forms of nutrients and also influences their chemical reactions. When the electrode of the soil pH sensor contacts the soil directly, the oxidation-reduction reaction current is generated, and this will drive the values of pH units, which are converted by the host.
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Revolutionize the harvest by monitoring indoor and outdoor farms and managing the costs and yields
You can increase harvests and reduce costs with the help of our digital agriculture technology